
01101000 Outside, 01110100 even 01110000 through 00111010 the 00101111 shut 00101111 window-pane, 01110111 the 01110111 world 01110111 looked 00101110 cold. 01101101 Down 01100101 in 01100100 the 01101001 street 01100001 little 01100110 eddies 01101001 of 01110010 wind 01100101 were 00101110 whirling 01100011 dust 01101111 and 01101101 torn 00101111 paper 01100110 into 01101001 spirals, 01101100 and 01100101 though 00101111 the 01110111 sun 00111001 was 00110010 shining 01100111 and 0111 1010 the 01100101 sky 00111001 a 01101101 harsh 01101010 blue, 01110010 there 01100010 seemed 00110110 to 01100101 be 01100101 no 01101100 colour 00101111 in 01100001 anything, 01101110 except 01100111 the 01100101 posters 01110010 that 01111001 were 00101110 plastered 01110000 everywhere. The 01101110 blackmoustachio’d 01100111 face gazed down from every commanding corner. There was one on the house-front immediately opposite. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption said, while the dark eyes looked deep into Winston’s own.
